A Wholesome Fantasy Adventure

To delight your inner child

Colin and Nia, are two completely ordinary parents going through a separation. On a family outing with their kids, Allie and Ethan, Colin and Nia are accidentally teleported to a dimension where magic is real. Tried and charged for the crime of wrongful parenting because they don’t teach their kids magic, Colin and Nia must go on a quest to find a unicorn, and the lost pieces of themselves.

Meet The Cast & Crew

Zoe D. Lee – She/Her

as Daniella The Narrator

Tarrah – They/She

as Nia Croft

Robert Patrick – He/Him

as Colin Croft

Kay Reilly – They/Them

as Allie Croft & Middled Aged Oak Tree

Ren Alberg – He/Him

as Ethan Croft and Old Oak Tree

Adam Korenman – He/Him

as Calanon

Gwama Hairstonel – She/Her

as Thalion

Gavaroc – He/Him

as Charly and Young Oak Tree

Joe Moyer – He/Him

as Barley

Georgia Warley-Cummings – She/Her

as Raziel

Jermaine Woods – He/Him

as Santa Claus

Crystal Storm – She/Her

as Mini Angel and Sparks the Teddy Bear

Lord Snerts – He/Him

as Dwarf

Lena Garcia – She/her

as Princess the Stuffed Pig

Crystal Storm – She/Her

as Mini Angel