Tales Voice Acting Roster

Closes Tonight at 11:59 PM CST March 15th, 2024. 

Our Roster is Now Closed

We’re opening up our roster for VAs that want first shot at casting calls for our upcoming shows in 2024. Before you fill out the roster please read the information on this page thoroughly. 

We look forward to having you! 

Who We Are

Tales of the Forgotten LLC is run by two ladies, Crystal Storm and her fiancee’ Hannah Cardeilhac. Representation is extremely important to us and is reflected in our stories and casting. We are anti-AI in it’s current form as it is theft. We will never use AI art, and we will never reproduce your voice in AI. We are happy to sign any wavier regarding this. 

Our focus is on telling great stories because Art is so important, especially in the chaotic climate of today. However, so you understand who you’ll be working with we’ll just put this out there:

  • Trans women are women, trans men are men.
  • Black Lives Matter
  • We do not tolerate antisemitism
  • We also think genocide is bad and support a ceasefire. 
  • We are Pro-Choice. We believe abortion is healthcare and is a right that should be protected.
  • We will always be a safe space for the  LGBTQIA+ community
  • We believe indies have a responsibility to support other indies to help combat the current uses of generative AI (it’s fucking theft.)
  • We love, love. Seriously, just love each other.

If you’re okay with all that we’d love to work with you! Please review our minimum requirements below before joining our roster. 

Voice Actor Requirements

  • You must have a sound treated space with minimal background noise and room echo
  • You must have a strong internet connection
  • You must be comfortable with live directed sessions with our Director(s). (These are usually done over either Zencastr or Riverside).
  • If you are a new voice actor that’s okay so long as you can meet the requirements above. 

Upcoming Shows for 2024

  • A Scifi Conspiracy Thriller. Mobsters vs Aliens. I will need many Italian American voice actors. Click here for show info.
  • Dragon Age Inquisition Original Story with everyone’s favorite companions
  • NSFW Tales After Dark Series (Romantic Erotic. Think Bridgerton in Audio Drama format)
  • Mini Tales, these are 3  – 5 min stories.


Because we are a small Indie company in 2024 our payment structure will be per show (not per recorded hour). Payment ranges will be at minimum $25 for smaller/supporting roles and $50 for lead roles. Payment minimums could be higher depending upon the show, our budget, fundraising efforts etc. If something amazing happens and this changes our VAs will be the first to know.

Fandom shows such as Star Wars, and our upcoming Dragon Age shows are unpaid. 

You are not required to join our discord. However, when shows are released we host a live listen party with our fans. These are live streamed onto our Youtube channel. This helps us drive engagement, and are a ton of fun. After the live listen party we host an After Show where Voice Actors from the episode are invited on to discuss the episode, promote themselves and their work, and interact with fans. If you want to participate in After shows you will need to join the discord.

The good news is that we recognize we’re all in too many different discords. We never @everyone unless there is a rule change. You can choose the alerts you get from us, so you’re not being spammed every other day. 

Savvy? Great. Fill out the form below. Make sure to add the following two emails to your address book. 



Basic Information

Many of the below questions helps us ensure representation in our casting. If any question makes you uncomfortable and you would prefer not to answer please email crystal@talesoftheforgotten.com

If you don't have a professional website and would like one for 2024 reach out to crystal@talesoftheforgotten.com
If you no longer have twitter link to your other social media profile
Link to another social media profile such as linkedin, threads, instagram, bluesky, etc or type N/A if you only have one
If you prefer not to answer please put N/A.

Business Things

If you don't have a resume, send us the last show you were in, or a sample of your voice.
If you don't have one put N/A
Microphone, Booth, and Internet Connection Speeds
Please make the first your natural accent, and include others you can do convincingly.
Which languages can you speak and include your level of fluency in each.

Tales Specific

For NSFW examples aka how we do sex at Tales, click here and listen to episode One of Please You can also listen to Episode 3 of the same series.
We tell Tales in multiple genres. Do you have a preference for which genre shows you want to potentially act in. You can choose more than one
Our TTRPG shows will be in a variety of systems such as Cypher System, DnD 5e, and more!
What's a character type you want to play, or just really love playing?
We're looking for folks who are willing to potentially help us out with some admin tasks behind the scenes. We'll have a specific list of tasks towards the end of the first quarter and of course will ask first. But we're sending out feelers to folks who might have an hour or two to spare once a month. These would be unpaid to start and/or on a barter system (for example Crystal can make you a bomb ass website, and/or advertise you in our shows in pre-mid roll slots).